Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm back!

My visit to the Philippines in 2009 changed my life. All I have been thinking about for the last 13 months was returning to "my second home." I was nervous about returning without the support of my employer but the support from my friends here has proven that the friendships I have built here are lifelong. Alot of people wonder why I would want to visit a third world country for vacation but I never doubted that a piece of my heart is here in the Philippines. This trip is a little bit different than the last trip because I don't have as much time to blog but I promise to post as many pictures and videos as possible. I hope to share my love of the Philippines with all of beloved friends and family. No matter how much I post here I will still have a story for each and every one of you in person when I return. From Island Adventures to concrete jungle experiences I hope you will find time to enjoy sharing these moments with me!

1 comment:

  1. Awe, be safe. Glad you got to go back. I know it hasn't been the same since you returned.
