Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Life after the storm.

The storm know as Ondoy aka Ketsana has passed away and no longer occupies the headlines of our newspapers. What about life after the storm? Here is an articel about how the storm has affected this country.

"Disease outbreaks strike flooded Philippines

Five weeks after Typhoon Ketsana, and having weathered two more typhoons since then, tens of thousands of Filippinos are still living in flooded villages and towns.

The storms themselves affected nearly a million people and caused around 1,100 deaths. Now the World Health Organisation says it is battling severe disease outbreaks, including the bacterial illness leptospirosis." --

In other news, the US Secretary of Stat, Hillary Clinton plans to visit the Philippines.

"Hillary Clinton is making her first visit to the Philippines as US Secretary of State.
During her two-day visit she plans to visit typhoon victims and talk about the country's 2010 elections.
She will also discuss security issues in the Muslim south of the country, where US troops are active."

Also, the priest that was kidnapped in the Southern Philippines was freed.

"Irish priest freed in Philippines after a month

DUBLIN — A 79-year-old Irish Roman Catholic priest abducted in the Philippines a month ago was freed early Thursday and neither country paid any of the kidnappers' $2 million ransom demand, Irish and Filipino authorities said."

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